Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blogging as a blogger

Like my profile reads that I am only lazy blogger which reads exactly true. This is apparently the THIRD blog that I have created. The first was all done with excitement and I had some ample of articles but then I lost the touch and when I wanted to blog the second time I undid the first blog so to start anew. But the second one hardly lasted few articles and it was all personal blogging wherein it involved my life and my circle of people. Now that I am doing this third blog, I am hoping the "third to be the charm" and stick with me for long. I have not made up my mind on what to blog actually. Its gonna be a mixture of everything at the end as my mind fiddles with different things with the changing mood. All in all, I want to blog to keep myself engaged from the daily work at office and home. With blogging one becomes excited on what's going to happen new that one can blog, one becomes observant of the things going around and none the less one has always articles to write about "selfie". So I would like to believe like any other blogger that I will get hands on the keyboard typing the stories of life and the happenings for the times to come. Happy blogging to me.

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